Help us create your ideal leggings

Good morning,

Leggings are the essential product for practicing soft fitness training, which includes soft disciplines such as CAF, Pilates, stretching, gentle gym, etc.

Whether alone or with friends, at home or in the gym, we want to wear an outfit that values ​​us and motivates us to practice, because it is both beautiful and comfortable. So beautiful that I want to wear it outside of my sports sessions.

We are a team of 5 women at Decathlon, who are developing the women's Fitness Soft Training collection: Jeanne - Engineer; Claudine - Model maker; Coralie - Stylist; Laura - Graphic designer and Florence - Product manager.

We invite you to contribute to the creation of our future leggings, by sharing your desires, your daily experiences, your irritants, your expectations.

Our goal is to create leggings that will become the favorite product in your wardrobe, in terms of comfort and style!

To participate, it's very easy :

  • First, answer our questionnaire: this will allow us to identify what really matters to you and guide creative avenues.
  • Then if you are up for it, let's create together, let's choose together from our/your proposals the leggings that will see the light of day for our next 2023 collection. We will offer you different interactions at key moments of development to solicit your opinion.
  • Perhaps we will have the opportunity to meet or discuss remotely, to test the leggings in real conditions in order to improve them down to the smallest detail.

It’s a great story to write together!

Want to live this experience? Join us !