Original language : French

We need you, dear athletes, to test and give your opinion on our new treadmills!

As part of the development of our new treadmills, our design team is seeking your input as practitioners to participate in our upcoming tests.

The goal is to assess the desirability of our new products under development, as well as to gather your satisfaction level on the overall use of the product by trying out all of its features.

We rely on your contribution and usage experience to validate the design of our new products so that they can meet your home use needs.

We thank you for your involvement in our cardio project. Your feedback is essential to validate the design of our new Cardio Fitness equipment!

On-site product test


CompletedFrom Monday 10 to Monday 5/12/2021101 Participants

We need you, dear athletes, to test our NEW CARDIO WALKING MAT outside, on the patio of the DOMYOS CLUB DE MARCQ-EN-BAROEUL !

Profiles sought:

  • Walkers of all levels: able to walk for 1 hour on treadmills , adapting the speed and inclination to their physical condition.
  • Gender: M/F
  • REGISTRATION: on individual slots of 1 hour between 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2 p.m.-6 p.m. (from May 10 to 12, 2021).
  • MONDAY 10 MAY 2021
  • TUESDAY 11 MAY 2021
  • WEDNESDAY 12 MAY 2021
  • Location: Domyos Marcq-en-Baroeul, outside (on the patio)
  • Region: North (59)

Program :

  • Reception of testers by the project team directly on the patio of the Domyos Club in Marcq-en-Baroeul at the validated registration slot.
  • Explanation of product features and practice in autonomy.
  • At the end of your practice, a QR CODE redirecting to an online questionnaire will allow you to share your opinion on your experience of practice with the tested mat.

(Please come with your smartphone on the day of the test and download a (free) QR CODE reader application in advance if necessary)


  • If you are selected for this test, we will send you by email a TESTER CONTRACT to be returned to us COMPLETED BY MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 AT THE LATEST.
  • This test is unpaid.
  • You agree to respect the current government health measures related to the practice of sport and introduced by the Domyos club.
  • Wearing a mask is compulsory before and after sports practice (you can only remove your mask once you arrive at the practice area).
  • Access to changing rooms and showers is not available.

We thank you for your involvement in our tests, your opinion is essential to ensure the proper development of our products.

camillePosted on May 3, 2021