DECATHLON bra & underwear tests - Your opinion counts!

Original language : French

It is not always easy to find a “bra that fits your chest” for the sport(s) you practice!

We want it with more or less strong support, comfortable, adjustable or not...

The goal of this project is to create a community of super girls who love sport and who want to help design future bras! Without forgetting the stockings, which must also be comfortable and practical!

Does this subject speak to you? Do you want to co-create with us?! Join us in one click!


Your opinion on our tanga [Questionnaire]

Completed552 Participants

Hello sportswomen,

Today, we are finalizing the creation of our cut/sewn tanga for sports practice.

We would like to have your opinion on some visuals,

If you have a minute to answer this questionnaire, it would help us with the continuity of our project.

A big thank-you,

The Underwear team

MELANIEPosted on September 12, 2023