What if we imagine together the future headlamps

Original language : French


We need your help to improve our existing products, develop new ones to better meet your needs, so we will be reaching out to you several times to co-create and discuss various proposals, validate concepts, test them, choose colors, ....

I have created this community where all exchanges related to the development of a headlamp, whether it is intended for hiking or trail running for example, will be grouped.

We can gather a lot of information through a survey of people who have purchased these products, but there are still some areas where we have questions.

Thank you for your valuable assistance and once again thank you for the trust you place in us.


What color do you prefer for our future model 500?

Original language : French
Completed496 Participants

Our design team needs your help to choose the future colors of the UL500 headlamp.

This headlamp will be an evolution of the current Bivouac 500 headlamp. It will be aimed at people looking for a compact, lightweight product with a power of 150 lumens, allowing for safe movement and/or an evening in a bivouac.

The goal is to finalize the development by June 2024, and the commercialization will start in spring 2025.

RenaudPosted on January 2, 2024