All against COVID: together in the national effort

Objective of the project :

To respond to the COVID-19 crisis, the Ministry of the Armed Forces has launched a call for projects with the aim of finding pragmatic, innovative, deployable responses to try to stem the spread and improve the daily lives of citizens and living conditions. care of patients and caregivers.

If COVID-19 presents a challenge for medical teams, organizational responses and “smart” products are also expected. We are convinced of the power of collective intelligence, and have decided to make our co-creation platform* available to you. The goal is that each of you can easily participate in this great collective momentum!

Concretely, this will happen very quickly, and in several stages:

  • First of all, we start with the scout campaign: collect as many ideas as possible!
  • At the same time, we will work on grouping ideas to bring out concepts.
  • These concepts will be evaluated by a jury of experts who will give a score based on the 3 evaluation criteria: Benefit, Feasibility, Time.
  • The best rated concepts will then be proposed to the community in order to identify legal entities able to implement the concept and bring the project to the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA).

*Please note: we are diverting our platform initially planned to co-create sports products and experiences. We tried to adjust it as much as possible to make it more "open". For example, we have issued Special Conditions of Use which specify in particular that everything that arises from these interactions will be free of rights. On the other hand, we still face some technical constraints that we cannot resolve given the urgency of the subject. This is the case for account creation as well as the request for the sports practiced. But we undertake, if you wish, to delete your account at the end of the project, and you can specify this from the start.