XC MTB ride and hydration vest test - Passy (Haute-Savoie)
As part of the development of a new hydration vest for cross country mountain bikers, we would like you to evaluate our first prototypes during an XC ride around Passy.
Profiles sought:
- Number of candidates sought: 8/10 people
- Gender: Male and Female
- Experienced cross country mountain bikers: who ride to perform in their group or for competition
- Users of hydration packs, belts, harnesses, or vests: we want to avoid including people who exclusively use water bottles
The test will take place on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Supervised/Autonomous conditions: the test will be conducted under the supervision of a certified instructor
Products to be tested: 1 hydration vest 3L + 2L water bladder
- Meeting at 2:00 PM at the Decathlon Mountain Store (74190 Passy)
- Taking some measurements by our team
- Handing over the product to be tested + quick perception questionnaire
- Departure for the XC MTB loop (approximately 3 hours, ~1500m elevation gain and ~40km, probably around St Gervais, Combloux, or Passy)
- Return and satisfaction questionnaire for the tested product
- Group debrief and end-of-day aperitif ;)
Other information: you must come to the test with your bike in good working condition and your helmet