Let's create the DECATHLON OUTDOOR experience platform 🌿⛰⛺️

Original language : French

Hello co-creators,

Our ambition at DECATHLON is to enable every athlete to experience fantastic and unique outdoor sports experiences.

That's why we have launched a website and an app that allow everyone to find the most suitable hike for their desires.

Launched just over a year ago, we will continue to evolve it, enrich it by building each element in co-creation: it's your platform.

Together, we will work on the features, available hikes, the aesthetics of the platform... In short, EVERYTHING!



Help us improve the search for walks on Decathlon Outdoor! 🔎🌿

CompletedFrom Thursday 20 to Thursday 10/24/202253 Participants

We would like to meet a few people for one-hour interviews on the theme of finding outings (on foot or by bike). How do we find our way when we are offered tens of thousands of different routes to follow all over France?

Our designers have designed new prototypes to imagine the future of finding outings on the Decathlon Outdoor app. We need your lights!

Profiles sought:

  • Number of candidates sought : 5 to 6
  • Gender : men and women

CONDITIONS ( read carefully before completing the application questionnaire):

  • Go for walks/hikes and/or cycling (VTC type or equivalent) at least once a month
  • Never having used the Decathlon Outdoor mobile application (or having used it little, 6 months ago or more)

Useful information :

  • Interview dates: October 20-24
  • Duration: allow 1 hour

Place :

  • by videoconference: we will send you a Google Meet link to open from your phone
  • or in Lyon at our premises (Wojo Part-Dieu).


We will begin the interview with a few short generic questions about your practice of these sports (nature hiking and/or VTC), then we will give you access to a prototype of the Decathlon Outdoor application.

We will then give you some easy missions to accomplish on the application, to collect your opinion, in complete frankness!

Thank you in advance for your contribution, which will be very valuable to us 💚

ClémencePosted on October 7, 2022