To validate our future running shoes planned for 2026, KIPRUN is looking for men with size 43 shoes and women with size 39 shoes to take part in a usage test.
This usage test will allow us to validate the final design before launching production. Thanks to your feedback, we will be able to evaluate the feeling in use, identify the strong points and possible improvements, and measure your satisfaction on the quality-price ratio.
What does the test consist of?
- Running outing between 8 and 15 km with 30/30 depending on the model tested.
- Location: DECATHLON PARIS La Madeleine
- Dates: 2:30 a.m. slots available from February 12 to 14.
Who can apply?
- All runners with sizes 39 and 43.
Why participate?
- Co-create the products of tomorrow with us!
- Possible remuneration via a temporary employment agency.
Interested? Answer the questions below and don't hesitate to share the info with your training group, friends, colleagues! We will get back to you from December 2nd to confirm the selected people.
The KIPRUN team