Why we need you:
We need you and the many hands-free ski passes (in any case, we think you have at least a few hiding in your drawers, cupboards or car glove boxes).
Do you know what plastic holders (bank card format) with an RFID chip are essential for loading or recharging a ski pass?
Often unused and forgotten, we would like them to be rebooked and that ski passes could be loaded via the Decathlon Pass app. We will help you find your way through the jungle of compatibility of these media!
How to contribute:
Your responses to the questionnaire on your hands-free ski pass reloading habits (online or directly at the checkout) will be valuable in building this evolution of the Decathlon Pass app, which should make it possible to accept as many of these plastic carriers as possible.
The news :
The first test season of Decathlon Pass taught us that producing and distributing our own hands-free support was not necessarily the right approach, and we are now exploring new ideas with you.