On-site product testTRYING TEST - MEN'S/WOMEN'S WALKING SHOES07 Sep 2023Closed topicDiscover the project TRYING TEST - MEN'S/WOMEN'S WALKING SHOES
SurveyTell us more about the comfort of your shoes? (Sneakers/Trainers)04 Sep 2023Closed topicDiscover the project Tell us more about the comfort of your shoes? (Sneakers/Trainers)
On-site product test[Shoes Comparative Test] - Ease of putting on the shoe24 Aug 2023Closed topicDiscover the project [Shoes Comparative Test] - Ease of putting on the shoe
On-site product test[Shoes test] - Easy to put on at DECATH - BOUC BEL AIR (13)10 Jul 2023Closed topicDiscover the project [Shoes test] - Easy to put on at DECATH - BOUC BEL AIR (13)
On-site product test[Shoe Comparative Test] - Ease of putting on the shoe (2nd session)06 Jul 2023Closed topicDiscover the project [Shoe Comparative Test] - Ease of putting on the shoe (2nd session)
On-site product test[Shoe Comparative Test] - Ease of putting on the shoe (1st session)22 Jun 2023Closed topicDiscover the project [Shoe Comparative Test] - Ease of putting on the shoe (1st session)
On-site product test[FITTING TEST] MEN'S SHOE - SPORT WALKING07 Jun 2023Closed topicDiscover the project [FITTING TEST] MEN'S SHOE - SPORT WALKING
On-site product testThe postponed one [Fitting test] - Men's shoes in Villeneuve d'Ascq24 Apr 2023Closed topicDiscover the project The postponed one [Fitting test] - Men's shoes in Villeneuve d'Ascq