Cycling (or not!) from 3 to 6 years old!

Original language : French

Hello to all parents,

At B'TWIN Kids, we are committed to allowing children from a young age to make cycling their best ally in everyday life.

And as designers, we are well aware that you may encounter certain difficulties in using the bike with your child...!

With this project, we will focus mainly on the elements that cause your child not to ride a bike, or if they do ride, refine the reasons that lead them to stop during their ride and no longer enjoy it.

=> This project is therefore aimed at parents of children aged 3 to 6 who do and do not yet ride a bike.

I can't wait for you to join me in designing the bikes that will become your children's best allies for playing, exploring, and getting around!

Camille, Product Manager for children's bikes aged 1 to 6 - B'TWIN.

Feedback questionnaire

Why doesn't your child aged 3 to 6 ride a bike, stop, or give up?

Original language : French
Completed49 Participants

Why do we need you:

To design the magical bike that will become your child's best ally!

How to contribute:

Simply by answering this questionnaire in the first place, then other sequences will follow :-)

The news:

CAMILLEPosted on November 14, 2023