DECATHLON bra & underwear tests - Your opinion counts!

Original language : French

It is not always easy to find a “bra that fits your chest” for the sport(s) you practice!

We want it with more or less strong support, comfortable, adjustable or not...

The goal of this project is to create a community of super girls who love sport and who want to help design future bras! Without forgetting the stockings, which must also be comfortable and practical!

Does this subject speak to you? Do you want to co-create with us?! Join us in one click!

On-site product test

Let’s test the support of our bras!

CompletedFrom Tuesday 20 to Tuesday 8/22/202481 Participants

Dear Co-Creators,

The UNDERWEAR team is looking for female athletes to test the bust support of bras currently in development.

Test related information

For this test, we will perform mechanical and sensory measurements of chest support during a series of sports tasks (walking and running on a treadmill, jumping on steps).

To do this, we will need to:

  1. Check your bra size by measuring with a tape measure and trying on a bra size
  2. Attach a small accelerometer to your chest (directly on the skin) which will be used to measure breast movement.
  3. Have you perform series of walking, running or jumping for 30 seconds with different sports bras

Profiles sought:

  • Women able to:
  • walk at 6km/h on a treadmill
  • running at 8km/h on a treadmill
  • jump on 15cm high steps.

/!\ The measurements last 30 seconds. It is therefore necessary to be able to perform these tasks over a short period of time but several times.

  • Sizes sought for this test: 85C || 90A, 90B, 90C || 95A, 95B, 95C || 100B, 100C || 105B

This test will be paid by AGENCE D'INTERIM (TEMPORIS ROUBAIX) - 3-hour package

Thank you for your participation!


MELANIEPosted on August 12, 2024