What if we supported you in achieving your sporting goals?

You don't know what to drink or eat while practicing sports? For you, recovery is effort after effort? Does stress make you lose your composure during a sporting competition? Etc.

You are not alone! Quite a few athletes encounter these problems. What if, together, we thought about the right solutions?

For this, we are developing a new support project. And we are convinced that it is with you that we will succeed.

What is our objective? SUPPORT you to:

  • Your daily and sports nutrition and hydration
  • Sports recovery
  • Prevention and care of sports-related injuries
  • Improving your mobility (flexibility and sports technique)
  • Stress management and mental preparation before a competition
  • And any other problems encountered

Actually, who are we? Which teams are leading this project?

Formerly Aptonia, we are now Decathlon Nutrition and Care. We offer nutrition and recovery products, and soon support services, for all athletes.

Everything needs to be written! This project is new within Decathlon. We are convinced that it is by working with you that we will make this project a success.

What are the first stages of this great project?

First step: listen to yourself! We want to know your desires, your needs, your expectations.

Second step: present to you the support services that we have imagined thanks to your contribution.

Third step: test these support services with you.

This project is also yours: we want to include you in each stage of the project.

Ready for this great adventure? So let’s create innovative support services together.

Thank you in advance for your investment.

Vincent & Clement


Stiff like a piece of wood or flexible like a cat? Tell us

Completed364 Participants

In the field of scientific research, stretching is getting a lot of attention. For some, they are "required" and significantly improve performance. For others, they are completely unnecessary and can even cause pain. Do you find them used or not in your practice?

We would like to know your habits regarding the work of your MOBILITY:

  • Improving flexibility but also correcting imbalances and asymmetries of flexibility (for example, one side is stiffer than another).
  • Sports technique work (for example, knowing how to do a squat well).

5 to 8 minutes are required to complete this questionnaire. Your help is very valuable to us.

This questionnaire is the last in our series. We will then think about how to better support you and will come back to you to ask for your opinion on our (your) project.

A huge thank you for your time.

Vincent & Clement

ClémentPosted on November 20, 2021