Let’s co-create your sailor’s wardrobe together!

We are seeking to transform our TRIBORD clothing range to satisfy more and more customers, by offering them beautiful, durable products, perfect for sailing but also for life outside the boat.

We are convinced that the best way to achieve this ambitious objective is to have you contribute to co-create together, according to your desires, your expectations, our products of tomorrow.

In a first step, in the form of a general questionnaire, we will try to find out a little more about you, your clothing habits, your expectations. We're listening to you !

The second step will be to create together. With the collaboration of the design team, we propose, we draw, we create, we react... around as many ideas as possible.

The third stage will be to develop, test, modify... with the collaboration of engineers, model makers and prototypists... with the aim of finalizing the products and finding them a few months later in stores or on the Internet.

Let's go !
